• Local, licensed, English-speaking, Japanese guides
  • Travel insurance from Travel Guard, one of the world’s largest travel insurance providers, will be provided to everyone from the United States. All others will receive a $100 per person credit and will be responsible for obtaining their own travel insurance in their own home country. (The insurance provided by Samurai Tours will cover the land portion only. Insurance to cover airfare and other additional expenses is the tour member’s responsibility.)
  • Meeting service at Tokyo’s Narita Airport or Tokyo’s Haneda Airport and transfer to the ryokan in Tokyo
    • The meeting service will meet you at the airport and provide you a transfer to the ryokan in Tokyo
    • Meeting service can only be provided between 6am and 9pm. If you arrive at a time outside of these hours, we will need to provide alternative directions for you to get to the ryokan on your own.
  • Transfer to Osaka’s Kansai or Osaka’s Itami airport by shared shuttle van.
    • Transfers to Tokyo’s Narita Airport or Tokyo’s Haneda Airport for departures are not included. This train ticket is $150 per person.

For those requiring meeting or sending services on other than the scheduled arrival/departure dates, there will be a $100 fee for the meeting service from the airport into Tokyo or the sending service to the Kyoto train station.

Transfers to Tokyo’s Narita Airport or Tokyo’s Haneda Airport for departures are not included. This train ticket is USD$150 per person.

  • Train ticket from Tokyo to Kyoto on Shinkansen (bullet train)
  • Meals
    • Japanese-style or Western-style breakfast every morning (Please Note: Some ryokans offer Japanese breakfasts only.)
    • Eight Japanese-style lunches
    • One Japanese-style dinner
  • Lodging for 11 nights in Japanese-style ryokans or western-style hotels
  • All transportation costs when traveling with the group. (Transportation costs during scheduled free times are the tour member’s responsibility.)
  • Admission fees to the destinations and activities listed in the Tour Highlights column on the right. (Itinerary specifics subject to change)
  • Electronic version of itinerary
  • Sayonara dinner at the end of the tour
  • The appropriate amount of free time to follow your wanderlust and discover your own personal Japan.
  • Baggage transfer from the ryokan in Tokyo to the ryokan in Kyoto (one bag only)

Each tour member receives a tour handbook. This handbook is full of tips and suggestions taken from our Japan travel experiences that allow you to better plan and prepare for your trip, and therefore enjoy your trip even more. The tips and suggestions included cover everything from how to save while exchanging money, what to pack, some basic Japanese-language tips, general etiquette do’s-and-don’ts, ryokan customs, etc.


  • Airfare is NOT included
  • Alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and desserts are NOT included
  • A printed itinerary is not included