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1.866.316.7268 info@samuraitours.com
WPCS 2.1.3




Takoyaki – A Taste of Osaka

Although Takoyaki originated in Osaka during the 1930s, today it is popular all over Japan. They can even be found in supermarkets and convenience stores everywhere. But there is little doubt it is still most popular in Osaka. “Tako” is Japanese for octopus. And “Yaki” comes from “Yaku”, meaning to fry or grill. They are...
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Winter Illuminations…Japan’s decorations for Winter

Winter illuminations around Christmas and New Year have become extremely popular in cities across Japan. Illuminations are usually displayed between November and December, but some run longer, starting as early as October and running until Valentine’s Day or even into spring. Below are some of Japan’s crowd-pleasing seasonal illumination spots: (Pictures are from previous years)...
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My Favorite Destination – Miyajima Island

I had the opportunity to visit and experience so many amazing places while on our Best of Japan tour a few years ago. Each place unique in its culture and how it has integrated modern or traditional culture, as well as its local specialties to create a unique atmosphere and experience. Miyajima Island, however, gave...
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Silver Week

The Japanese are known as some of the hardest working people in the world. Japan has very few natural resources. The best resources we have are human resources. Many office workers are willing to work overtime and work even during the weekends. Some of the small-sized companies were not able to allow their employees to take consecutive holidays...
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Tattoo Sign

Tattoos and Japanese Baths

We get asked often by people who have tattoos as to whether they will be able to use the Japanese baths , and it is a difficult question to answer. Just like everything else in Japan, acceptance of tattoos is evolving. But like it or not, tattoos have a negative connotation in Japan. It is...
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Japan by the Numbers – Crime Statistics

This installment of Japan by the Numbers features crime statistics in Japan and comparisons to America. Japan has a well-earned reputation of being safe, and these statistics prove that. While non-violent crimes such as telephone fraud, pickpocketing and others are increasing, violent crime rates have been going down. The number of the month is 0.04,...
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Obon is a Buddhist ritual held from Aug 13 to 16. Salaried workers will take a week-off because most of the companies are closed during the Obon season. We believe during this period the spirits of our ancestors return so we go to the graveyard and clean family graves before then. This belief is based on the...
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  Whenever I find myself in Kyoto, I always jump on the Nara Line and head to Uji for some of Uji’s famous green tea. But green tea is not the only thing that Uji is known for. It is also the home of World Heritage sites and has a connection with the Tale of...
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Making Plum Wine

Plum Wine

The plum season and the rainy season come at the same time in Japan. So, the rainy season is also called “plum rain.” In Japanese, “plum rain” translates to “tsuyu 梅雨”. The “tsuyu” rainy season normally begins in mid June and ends in mid July. Since the plums are normally ready for picking in early...
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Planes, Trains and Automobiles…and Gondolas…oh and Ferries…and…Well You Get the Idea

Any list of the worlds best public transportation systems are bound to include Japan. And because we specialize in small groups, we are able to take full advantage of that system. Traveling like and with the Japanese people gives you much better inset of the culture and people. Not to mention there is so much...
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