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Cory Podojil

Destinations- Takayama

Written by: Ota-san, Samurai Tours Japan Staff Takayama is the largest city in Japan in terms of size, bigger than Tokyo, but this city is surrounded by mountains and its population is only 90,000. This area was once abundant in timber and produced minerals such as iron, gold, and lead so the Tokugawa military government...
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Destination Spotlight – Nikko

  Nikko is situated at the entrance to the Nikko National Park. This small town is a couple hours north of Tokyo and known for natural beauty.  Once you arrive in Nikko you can have access to a UNESCO World Heritage Site, exquisite shrines, temples, and outdoor attractions. As you enter Nikko to visit the...
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Japan’s Shinkansen

Written by: Ota-san, Samurai Tours Japan staff The Shinkansen, known as the bullet train, is one of the fastest trains in the world. It’s a network of high-speed railway lines, which runs at about 200 kilometers an hour on average and connects the main island with other two smaller islands. 900 trains run to carry...
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Mt. Fuji

Written by: Ota-san, Samurai Tours Japan staff   The first thing you will see from the plane to Japan is Mt. Fuji. It rises above the clouds. It’s Japan’s highest mountain with a height of 3776 meters. Because of its graceful corn-shape, Mt. Fuji has been worshiped as a sacred mountain since ancient times. ‘Fuji’...
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Education in Japan

Much like the United States, the education system in Japan consists of elementary school, middle school, high school, and university. The system there is divided into 5 cycles: Yōchien(幼稚園, Nursery school) from 3 to 6 years old. Shōgakkō(小学, Elementary school) from 6 to 12. Chūgakkō(中学, Middle School) from 12 to 15. Kōkō(高校, High school) from...
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Culture Corner – Bowing

Bowing is a well-known form of Japanese etiquette and deeply ingrained in Japanese culture. The Japanese believe the head is the most important part of the body, and by bowing, they are showing their respect. Although bowing may seem pretty straightforward, it’s actually quite complicated, with everything from the depth of the bow to its...
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Japan’s Unique, Sometimes wacky Vending Machines

If you have never been to Japan, you may be surprised to know that there are more than 5.5 million vending machines all over the country, approximately one machine for every 40 people. Anyone can own one for an application fee of about 10 thousand yen (about $2000 USD) and if you choose the right...
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